Let’s Learn
Jesus promised that He would build His Church—even in the Muslim world (Revelation 7:9-10). And He’s doing so in some difficult Muslim-majority areas of Southeast Asia. House churches there are small, dedicated, and bold in their witness. They are thriving, despite threats from neighbors, Muslim religious leaders, and the government.
Mariri of Indonesia
The Mariri are a group of 550 people on a small island in the Maluku province of Indonesia. Many of the Mariri people depend on fishing for their livelihood. Since Revelation 7 describes a multitude from every people and tongue, standing before the Lamb, we know there will be Mariri people worshiping the King in heaven one day. While this part of the world is mostly Muslim, there are some churches on a nearby island.
From the Word
Numbers 6:24-26
The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Let’s Pray
Father, we praise You for Your work among Muslims in Southeast Asia, raising up Your faithful witnesses. We pray for the local Christians in Indonesia, that You would stir their hearts with a deep burden to share the gospel with the Mariri people. Grant them courage, wisdom, and compassion to reach out to their neighbors with Your good news. Prepare the hearts of the Mariri, creating a spiritual hunger and receptivity to Your truth. Open their ears to hear the gospel, soften their hearts, and draw them to faith in Jesus Christ. May Your Spirit move powerfully among them, bringing many to salvation.
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