Let’s Learn
In the Muslim world, the entire dynamic changes for Ramadan. Since people don’t eat or drink from sunrise to sunset, they often eat throughout the night. Women, especially, often work extra hours preparing traditional food for their families.
Yazeed of Sudan
Typically, Yazeed women and children in Sudan stay in their family camps, tending their gardens and the smaller animals while the men travel the desert with their camels in desperate search of food for their herd. Although they call themselves Muslim, most Yazeed don’t follow Islam’s core requirements. Jesus died for these isolated, desert-dwelling people, yet most Yazeed people have no knowledge of God’s steadfast love for them.
From the Word
Matthew 9:37-39
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.
Let’s Pray
Lord of the harvest, You tell us that the harvest is plentiful, but there are so few laborers. Thank You for the hope that You are preparing a harvest of people who are ready to receive You as Lord and Savior. Would You mobilize Your people to go and tell the good news to those who are waiting to hear? May there be a great harvest among the Yazeed people! May You redeem many Muslim women to worship You in spirit and in truth!
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.