Let’s Learn
Because Muslims are more sensitive to spiritual things during Ramadan, they are often more open to spiritual conversations with Christian friends, especially while sharing the evening meal, called iftar. They might even invite Christian friends to feast and celebrate the end of Ramadan, called Eid al-Fitr. In this setting, Muslim hosts often welcome and encourage spiritual discussions. Ramadan is also a great opportunity for Christians to invite their Muslim friends to an evening meal, to give return hospitality, and to have conversations about the gospel.
Jula of Mali
“How can the Word of God help us?” That was what the Jula chiefs asked when missionaries and local believers sought permission to visit their villages and share stories from God’s Word. From mid-2023, new Jula believers from Burkina Faso traveled to share the gospel with Jula in Mali, who are 99% Muslim. They saw God change people’s hearts by the power of His Word. Two brothers who had not spoken to each other in years listened as the believers told the Bible stories about Joseph and his brothers. In front of the whole group, the two men reconciled in tears. Over the next year, eight Jula people of Mali chose to follow Christ! God’s Word helped several Jula to not only be reconciled with each other, but also with God Himself through faith in Jesus Christ.
From the Word
John 7:38
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, “Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”
Let’s Pray
Thank You, Lord, for the streams of living water that flow from the hearts of Christians around the world. Please continue to fill them with Your Spirit as they spend daily time with You and in Your Word. Bless them as they share hope with others. Help these streams of living water flow from them so that the people they are ministering to might come to know You and never thirst again.
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.