Let’s Learn
Ramadan is a time when many Muslims are very aware of dreams and visions. They believe dreams are a way that Allah reveals himself to people. During this time of heightened spiritual focus, Muslims pray to Allah for a special message or revelation.
In past Ramadan seasons, God has answered His people’s prayers on behalf of Muslims around the world. Many Muslims have had dreams and visions of Jesus appearing to them and drawing them to Himself. God sometimes even uses experiences like this, along with gospel proclamation, to bring people to faith in Christ!
Baloch of Central Asia
In the 2015 edition of Loving the Lost, we prayed for the Baloch people. We asked God to give many of them dreams about Jesus and more access to Scripture so that they might believe in Him. We also prayed that the few Baloch believers would boldly proclaim truth. The Lord answered those prayers! One Baloch man believed after encountering Jesus in his dreams and watching a gospel film. He has suffered persecution because of his love for Jesus but is still boldly sharing the gospel with his family. Two other Baloch men who are brothers are also being bold witnesses and have led two family members to faith in the Lord.
From the Word
Psalm 67:3-4
Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth.
Let’s Pray
Lord, You are the holy, perfect, and merciful God. You desire that all the peoples praise Your name. Thank You for moving among the Baloch people. I pray for those who have still not had a chance to hear about the good news of what Jesus did for them. Would You continue to pour out Your mercy on them and give more Baloch people eyes to see You and hearts to receive You? Give Baloch people and Muslims around the world dreams, visions, and opportunities to hear the good news of Jesus this Ramadan.
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.