Let’s Learn
The heart-wrenching reality is that every day, Muslims are dying without Jesus. Some have been presented with the truth of the gospel but have rejected it, while others have never had the chance to respond to the good news.
Deaf of Gambia
Most Deaf of Gambia are Muslim and have no access to the Bible in their sign language. There are a few Deaf Gambian believers, but they are scattered and live separated from the majority community. In 2023, several Deaf Gambians attended a Bible camp, where they saw Bible stories signed in their language for the first time.
From the Word
Matthew 11:28-29
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Let’s Pray
Lord, during Ramadan, the heavy burdens of fasting, giving alms, and showing hospitality can seem overwhelming to Muslims. I pray that You will show the Deaf of Gambia that Your yoke is easy, and Your burden is light. Would You continue to let Your gospel advance, giving the Deaf of Gambia an opportunity to lay down their good deeds at Your feet and trust only in the finished work of Jesus on the cross?
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.