Let’s join in prayer for Muslims during Ramadan 2025

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Why pray during Ramadan?

During Ramadan, many Muslims have a heightened spiritual awareness, which means it’s a crucial time when we can pray for God to reveal Himself to them.

We know that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). This gospel is good news for all people, in all corners of the world. One day, there will be people from every nation, tribe, people, and language before the throne of God (Revelation 7:9). In the meantime, He has called His Church to the work of prayer (Ephesians 6:10-20).

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Fact 1

Every year, Ramadan is non-negotiable—it’s one of Islam’s five pillars (core beliefs and practices). Ramadan is a high point in Muslim culture. Muslims who do not participate in the Ramadan fast risk being excluded from their faith communities.

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Fact 2

Small children are not usually expected to participate in the Ramadan fast. Usually, people begin fasting when they go through puberty. To prepare children for the discipline of fasting, many parents train their children to fast a few days each year before they are obligated to start fasting for Ramadan, hoping to earn Allah’s favor.

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Fact 3

During Ramadan, Muslims around the world spend extra time in prayer and fast from sunrise to sundown. They strive to fast how they believe is the correct way, hoping to please Allah and earn his favor, but they never know if they’ve done enough.

Get ready to pray for Muslims who desperately need the good news of Jesus Christ—like this South Asian man:

“I was born and brought up in a Muslim family, but I had no peace in my heart. My father taught me how to do Muslim prayer. I did Muslim prayer and a 30-day fast every year in the month of Ramadan. But no peace. One day I met a man who used to be a Muslim but now follows Jesus. Every Sunday they do Bible study in his house, and I decided to go. I joined their fellowship, and I felt so happy in my heart. After that I came to know that Jesus Christ is the only way to go to heaven. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and got baptized. I thank God because He sent His only son, Jesus, for our sin. I was saved by His blood.”

One by one, Muslims like this man are leaving behind the traditions of Islam and receiving new life in Jesus.

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