Pray for Dong Fu
I am one of the 35,000 Limi people. I have lived in this village all my life and generally we keep to ourselves. Our culture is important and we have worked hard to keep it going without influence from the outside world. This includes regular ceremonies to worship the spirits and honor our ancestors. Recently I have started to see young people coming to visit. They share with me and my friends a very different story of only one God. I like these visitors and their stories.
Unreached People Group Name | Limi People |
Primary Language | Mandarin Chinese |
People Cluster | Tibetan |
Primary Religion | Ethnoreligion – Animism |
Countries | China |
Population | 35,000 |
% Christian | Less than 2% |
Bible Available | Yes |
J-Film | Yes |
Gospel Recordings | Yes |
Progress of the Gospel | Engaged yet Unreached |
“By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people? And they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth.” Isaiah 53:8-9
God, the Limi people have not heard the story that Jesus was stricken for the transgressions of their people. They do not know that though Jesus was without sin, He was crucified with criminals. May the Holy Spirit go to the Limi people to soften their hearts and prepare them to hear and believe the Good News.
” For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.” 2 Corinthians 4:6-7
Pray for God to again cause light to push back the darkness, this time in the hearts of the Limi people.
Pray for near-culture believers to share the power of Jesus with the Limi people.
Pray for digital versions of the Bible, Jesus Film and Gospel recordings to lead many Limi people to put their faith in Jesus as their Savior.
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.
God, we celebrate Jesus as the Light of the world. May You use digital means to put the Gospel in front of the Bai people. May You stir the hearts of the Bai to recognize Jesus and accept Him as their savior.
ReadGod, as the Liujiang Zhuang gather in their homes raised above the ground on stilts, may you send a near-culture Christian to share about Jesus. May they believe that Jesus fully represents You and can purify the Liujiang Zhuang from their sins.
ReadGod, the Southern Dong are a unique people You created. But they currently worship evil spirits. Use digital means this Christmas to take the story of Jesus to the Southern Dong that they could be come children of God.
ReadGod, the Utsat people follow Islam and do not believe that Jesus was with you at the creation of the world. May you shine truth into their hearts this Christmas so that the Utsat find light and life through Jesus.
ReadGod, as we celebrate that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the Lingao people continue to worship nature and spirits. May the stories of Jesus calling fishermen to be fishers of men, connect with the hearts of the Lingao fisherman. May many Lingao respond to the call to follow Jesus.
ReadGod, You sent Jesus, born of Mary, to redeem us and adopt us as Your children. However, the Cun people still do not know adoption could be theirs too. God, provide access to the Gospel in their language.
ReadGod, You promised Jesus from the beginning as the way to overcome the curse of sin. However, the Li people still create their own ways of responding to evil. May digital tools take the message of Jesus birth, life, death and resurrection to the Li people this year.
ReadGod, the Inner Mongolians are separated from the rest of their people by the political boundary of China. May they meet Jesus, who was despised, rejected, and also acquainted with grief. During the long, cold winter of Inner Mongolia, use digital tools to spread the truth of Jesus.
ReadGod, the Khalkha Mongols can trace their ancestry back to ancient days, but they do not yet belong to the eternal kingdom of Jesus. May You use digital means to put the Bible and Jesus film in Hahl Mongolian on their mobile devices that they may become part of your kingdom.
ReadGod, as the Buryat people seek to survive in the difficult climate of Mongolia, they worship the created and not You, the Creator. This Christmas, may the Light of Jesus set them free to walk in the light.
ReadGod, the Limi people have not heard the story that Jesus was stricken for the transgressions of their people. They do not know that though Jesus was without sin, He was crucified with criminals. May the Holy Spirit go to the Limi people to soften their hearts and prepare them to hear and believe the Good News.
ReadGod, the Lowa people spend hours caring for their sheep and other animals. Use their deep connection with animals to help them recognize Jesus as both the Good Shepherd and the Lamb of God.
ReadGod, even as You sent Jesus as an infant, You knew He would one day go to the cross to be pierced for our transgressions that would bring us peace with You. The Hyolmo people are still like sheep who are going their own way. May You take the Gospel to the heights of the mountains through digital tools that the Hyolmo would know of the peace that could be theirs.
ReadGod, the Nar Phu people are physically isolated in the mountains as well as linguistically unique. They are behind doors yet to be opened to allow You in since the Bible, Jesus Film, and Gospel recordings are not available in their language. But we pray that one day when they are asked, "Who is the King of glory?" they will respond, "The Lord of hosts!"
ReadGod, You did not abandon Jesus to Sheol or let His body see corruption. You raised Him from the dead so that the Dolpo people could be saved and brought into relationship with You. May the few Gospel recordings available in their language find the hearts that are ready to receive the Good News.
ReadGod, the Humla people have not heard that Jesus poured out His soul and was numbered with the transgressors. They do not know that Jesus will bear their sins and intercede for them. God, bring the good news of Jesus to the heights of the mountains.
ReadGod, the Walung are isolated in the high valleys of the Himalayan mountains without even the Scriptures in their language; yet, Your creative glory surrounds them. As their young people travel to the city for supplies and work, may they also return with the truth of Jesus.
ReadGod, use the Gospel recordings to proclaim to the Kyirong people that you have brought salvation for them. Continue to carry the truth of Jesus across the high passes to reach the Kyirong in the Himalayan mountains.
ReadGod, You sent Jesus to bring good news to the poor, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, to proclaim both the your favor and coming vengeance, and to comfort all who mourn; yet, Thudam people are still bound in slavery to the idolatry of Tibetan Buddhism. Jesus, set them free this year.
ReadGod, the Tsum people are a small and closed community with little access to the knowledge of the New Covenant you established through Jesus. We pray that one day rather than trying to keep out the Gospel, they would be teaching their neighbors and encouraging each other to know the God.
ReadGod, you sent your Son, Jesus, that those who believe on Him will be saved. However, even with access to the Bible, Jesus Film and gospel recordings, few Ladakhi have believed. So we ask You for the ends of the earth - Ladakh. Make it part of Jesus' heritage and a place that is full of Christ followers.
ReadGod, nestled deep in the crevices of the Himalayan mountains, the Spiti people have limited access to the Gospel. Prepare their hearts to listen to those who bring the stories of Jesus.
ReadGod, may the digital tools carry the Good News of Jesus to the villages where the Salar live. Just as John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, may digital tools prepare the way and make the path smooth so that as Jesus is revealed as the Savior, Salar families would see and believe together.
ReadGod, just as you gave a sign to the Jews of how to recognize the Messiah, will you send dreams to the Dong Xiang that they would recognize Jesus when they hear about Him. May the Dong Xiang find the limited gospel recordings and learn the truth of Jesus, God with us.
ReadGod, as we celebrate Jesus coming, the Hui still do not know Jesus as the Mighty God and Prince of Peace. May digital evangelism tools reach the Hui in all the countries where they reside. May the few Hui believers boldly share the truth of Jesus with their families and neighbors this season.