Strategic Prayer for the "Who Am I?" Olympic Outreach

Prayer Prompts

Pray For The Olympics - Day 26

Prayer Prompt

Meditate on Scripture

1 Chronicles 16:24, ESV Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!

Prayer Focus: Gospel Advance

What a command we have been given to “declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all the peoples.” Pray that the gospel will indeed be proclaimed among all the peoples. During this year’s Olympic games, there are unique opportunities for people from all over the world to encounter the truth of the gospel for the first time. Pray that this year’s games will bring many into a saving faith that is more valuable than any medal the competitors could win.

Pray for Paris

The Olympic hymn’s lyrics were written by Greek poet Kostis Palamas and first sung at the 1896 Olympics. After a pause of a few years, the melody, composed by Spyros Samaras, is performed at each Olympics. It begins with the words, “O Ancient immortal Spirit, pure Father of beauty, of greatness, and of truth.” Pray that the Holy Spirit will turn hearts toward him as the only true God who is worthy of worship.

Pray for the Nations

As the wealthy from the Arab Peninsula escape the summer heat and attend the Olympics in Paris this year, pray they will meet true followers of Christ, not only those who say they are Christians by heritage. Pray they will notice the difference, be drawn by what they witness, become curious to know more, and ask questions. Pray that they will be gifted God’s Word in their heart language and soon follow Jesus.

Praying as a group?

Leading others in prayer is a great step in making disciples. We want to celebrate your and their faithfulness. For each person that prays with you, we will add 15 minutes to the 95.4 days of prayer committed so far.

How many prayed today (including yourself)?

Prayer Timer

(Prayer time: 15 min)

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